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Aaaaaaaand, That’s a Wrap!

#CWID16 is all wrapped up. Thanks for the memories, Perth! Until next time.

We don’t know about you, but we’ve only just recovered from what ended up being one of the biggest A+D events of the year. #CWID16 hit the streets of Perth just under a fortnight ago, and we could not be more happy with the result! Design-lovers from across the state, the country and the world, flocked to Perth in hot pursuit of the latest and greatest in architecture and design. And, Perth, we’ve gotta hand it to you: boy you did not disappoint! Here’s a couple of highlights we experienced throughout the day.

We kicked of the day with a little bit of education about lighting. Thanks to the team at ALTI Lighting and the launch of their new Technical Lighting Dark Room, we got down and dirty with the full gamut of lighting effects, colours, circadian rhythms and tuneable white lighting (which, we learned, is known amongst aficionados as human-centric lighting).

Down the road at Arthur G things were already starting to get a little heated. East v West was hot-topic, and our panelists really fought their corner! Thanks to Richard Misso (The Stylesmiths), David Weir (David Weir Architects), Steve Cordony (who brought the Arthur G showroom alive), the discussion looked at how we often throw the words ‘collaboration’ and ‘co-operation’ around a little too recklessly. In Western Australia, the word ‘competition’ should be added to the mix. The verdict? Well, that’s still not determined. What we can say is that the West certainly does things differently. And, you know what? That’s its absolute strength.

Meanwhile at Innerspace controversy was also on the cards. Jemma Green (Curtin University), Suzanne Hunt (Suzanne Hunt Architect), Clinton Matthews (Lantern Creative), Benjamin Braham (Braham Architects) battled out the question of architectural identity and just what really goes into creating and maintaining it. The question that stopped us in our tracks (and definitely raised the temperature a little): how much of a role should architects and designers have in the story of Perth’s identity? The answer is shocking, and then, it’s just as it should be: it’s not just the role of architects, we should all have our say.

Down in Subiaco, Bernini + Luxury Stone Designs kicked things off with their inimitable class.  Throughout the day they hosted a fine wine tasting with Swanbourne Cellars: the renowned family-owned business with over 80 years experience in the wine industry. This provided a fantastic backdrop to showcase Maer Charme, which Luxury Stone Designs were proud to present at CWID for a fresh new take on the application of these magnificent natural semi-precious stones. All day, lucky visitors were treated to exclusive viewings of the slabs from which some incredible feature designs have been time-and-again derived.

Over in the CBD, Lighting Options further explored the technicalities and technologies behind lighting design today. Presenting ERCO: The Language of Light, attendees were educated on all the nitty-gritty aspects of lighting application for any space. A star feature of the presentation was sitting by the door as you walked into their showroom: a clever reinterpretation of a football match with lighting products! Splashed all across Instagram on the day (and on everyone’s lips at the after party!) if you missed out on this fantastic installation, jump online and check it out.

Easing in to the afternoon, Artedomus kept the thoughtfulness coming. With their beautiful showroom brought to life (literally) by verdant living installations, Artedomus hosted the CWID talk Go West!’ addressing infrastructure investment & the impact of the A&D community on WA tourism, debated by leaders in the industry including including Michael Woodhams and Phillip Griffiths (AIA WA Chapter), Jack Flanagan  (of Jack Flanagan) and Neil Cownie (Neil Cownie Architects). Listeners got to sit back and soak in all of the latest in tourism and A+D while sipping hand-crafted boutique wine from L.A.S Vino (the latest young gun from Margaret River).

More lunchtime treats were waiting for us thanks to V-ZUG + Retreat DesignThroughout Saturday, Retreat Design has teamed up with premier appliance brand V-ZUG to serve up some deluxe Italian treats. Fresh from V-ZUG’s latest Combi Steam Ovens, the menu had your lunch (but, let’s be honest: breakfast, morning tea, dinner, afternoon tea… how could you say no?!) cravings sorted. Featuring: Parmesan and pinenut roasted mushroom caps; risotto balls; black olive, roasted capsicum and feta crostini; Sicilian prawn blinis; proscuitto, ricotta pesto pastries; spicy pepper beef meatballs; pizza pinwheels; Caprese balls; rosemary roasted olives, and all the traditional favours of Antipasti. Cooked using the latest technology in European design, our stomachs were full as we were treated to the freshest in food and technology all day long.

And up the road, people were 100% focused on furniture at District. The team had put together a really innovative audio-tour throughout the showroom. Doughnut in one hand, wine in the other, and headphones in ears we navigated the showroom exploring new products and old favourites such as Magis, Mattiazzi, Normann Copenhagen and Resident. For a couple of lucky punters who were paying attention, we got to  put our new-found knowledge to the test and go into the draw to win an awesome prize courtesy of our good friends – Team District. (I wish I was focussed less on the doughnuts now!)

Living Edge brought the debates and discussions home with a sell-out audience. And boy did they serve up the dirty politics of A+D today! ‘Design Democracy: ! or ?’  examined the status of democracy in design today, and everyone was sitting on the edge of their seats! With Alec Coles OBE of the New Museum, Peter Lee of Hassell, Sandy Anghie of Anghie Designs, Andrew Thornton Hick of Ultimo Interiors and David Caon of Caon Studios all weighing in, we never realised that democracy in design could be quite so encompassing. We also didn’t realise how far we’ve still yet to go. But, if these guys had anything to say about it: we can do it!

Stone has really made a huge comeback in our homes and workplaces in the last few years, and CDK Stone have been behind the revolution for some time now. Presenting their Neolith range throughout the day, there was certainly some stone-envy about on the day! Looking at this love affair with stone in depth, the team the presentation of their Neolith range with the talk: Stone in Contemporary Design: Sintered Ceramics and Benchtops of Tomorrow.

By this point, our feet were starting to get a little sore… and the wine cravings had never been higher on the priority list! Earlier in the day, Furniture Options  presented a talk on Furniture and Design Today. perhaps this was in everyone’s mind when the traffic started to head their way in the afternoon, taking their incredible collection for a bit of a test drive, putting our feet up, and leisurely strolling through the showroom for a wine and cheese appreciation. Never has there been heard quite so many sighs of satisfaction as weary design-lovers took a seat!

And then the party-spirit started to take hold! Mobilia earlier that day opened the doors on their glittering new showroom filled to the rafters with only the greatest in European design. At the eleventh-hour, Team Mobilia welcomed the biggest movers and shakers of WA A+D back for an aperitivo hour with the one and only doyenne of design: Patrizia Moroso. It was surely one of those slap-yourself moments to have the opportunity to discuss contemporary design with one of the women who has shaped so much of A+D today. While anyone who was anyone turned out to sip champagne and ask Patrizia Moroso the question they’ve been sitting on forever, there was so much throughout their split-level showroom to tempt the eye. Over there, Fritz Hansen; over there, Patricia Urquiola; over there, Doshi Levien! The list could go on forever. I thought we’d all died and gone to design heaven.

But not too hasty! We had a few more hours of partying left in us – and, boy, did we party the night away. We cannot tell you how proud and happy we are that #CWID16 was a huge success and that all generations across the design disciplines flocked to our exhibiting showrooms to embrace the fullness and depth of A+D today. While it was a day brimful of learning, luckily the wine was flowing freely to help take the edge off… just a little.

After a day jam-packed with events all across the Perth CBD, Claremont and Subiaco, the best and brightest in A+D descended upon one of the city’s latest arts and culture hubs: FORM.’s the Goods Shed. Brought alive by a stunning hanging garden by Stem & Stamen, cutting-edge AV technology by GemTek, and only the finest in locally distilled moonshine whiskey by Whipper Snapper Distillery. Sore feet, full tummies and slightly tipsy minds aside, every single guest went home grinning ear-to-ear.

The team at Contemporary is so very proud – and extremely chuffed – to have helped bring one of the biggest A+D events of the year to Perth. We cannot tell you how heartening it was to hear the squeals of excitement, the thought-provoking questions, the unbridled laughter, and the clicking of cameras throughout the day.

Perth, you truly outdid yourself. Well done, everyone.

And, humbly, thank you.

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