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Changing Interior of Workplace – Watch Now

How do we envisage our workplace post COVID 19? With many employees having worked from home and generally successfully, will this way of working become the new norm and does that infer that we downsize our offices? If so what are the implications?

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January 19th, 2020

Changing Interior of Workplace

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How do we envisage our workplace post COVID 19? With many employees having worked from home and generally successfully, will this way of working become the new norm and does that infer that we downsize our offices? If so what are the implications? We need to understand who will use an office. Could there be a roster, a rotation of ‘in office time’, or designated safe meeting rooms where everyone gathers once a month for those who work from home. As businesses such as WeWork seem to be the way of the past will self-distancing a consideration how will employees feel about gathering together or even hot desking? Are we going to see a shift back to more private offices? Do we really have to step back to move forward, are we really going back to our future? Perhaps design can save the day and construct portable offices for the work space and home but who will pay the price the employer or the employee? What will life after Covid 19 mean for work spaces and workplace designers?

Presented by:
Amanda Stanaway, Principal, Woods Bagot
Cathy Jameson, Design Director, Gensler
Domino Risch, Principal, Hassell
Max Thomson, Project Director, Spitfire Control


Brought to you by Woven Image


Presented by:
Amanda Stanaway, Principal, Woods Bagot

Amanda Stanaway sits at the forefront of workplace design and has been instrumental in creating some of the world’s most cutting-edge workplaces – workplaces that have delivered clients real business advantage and positive organizational change. As both a principal and Wood’s Bagot’s global workplace design leader, Amanda’s role encompasses strategy and design across the commercial, lifestyle and public sectors. She skilfully advises on projects and guides multi-disciplinary design teams with a communicative approach that is clear, organised and collaborative.


Domino Risch, Principal, Hassell

Domino is one of Australia’s most highly regarded and trusted Workplace Designers. She has a passion for leading clients and design teams through projects that are fundamentally aligned with strategic and future focused business objectives and that involve cultural change agendas. She enjoys deeply collaborative and engaged partnerships with her clients and collaborators and she is able to draw on her considerable expertise and experience to create future focused and cutting edge workplaces for the world’s leading organisations.


Max Thomson, Project Director, Spitfire Control

Max Thomson established the project management company Spitfire Control in 2012, after a mediocre career in design, bringing creativity to the land of the woolly cardigan. As was pointed out to him by an overly opinionated designer, the name says it all. A good project manager will “spit fire, and be controlling”!

A veritable sheep in sheep’s clothing. Max’s impossibly short attention span, willingness to compromise at the drop of a hat, and pathological distaste of conflict bring a fluffy veneer to the brutal practice of project management which makes him the obvious choice for clients looking for an easy life. In the crowded days of Spitfire Control, Max has dozed off at meetings with LinkedIn, Morningstar, DLA Piper, Diageo, Samsung, and Clemenger to name a few.


Cathy Jameson, Design Director, Gensler

Cathy is a Design Director at Gensler. For over 25 years she has designed and delivered projects of all sizes for clients across a wide range of sectors. At Gensler she has recently expanded her focus into regional client relationships and working with diversified teams across the APAC region. Her strength of leadership and mentorship of staff on large scale projects is critical to the success of each project site as well as overall global client relationships. While the COVID-19 pandemic has changed everything, forcing every industry to evolve and rethink their short and long-term business plans, our new working from home strategy has had little impact on the team’s ability to deliver great service to our clients. As the world’s largest design firm, Gensler’s impact in helping our clients co-create a resilient future is like no other design enterprise.


Facilitated by:
Jan Henderson, Acting-Editor, Indesign magazine

Jan Henderson is currently the acting-editor of Indesign magazine. Her previous roles have included associate publisher at Architecture Media for three years, co-editor of inside magazine and Interiors editor of for the past six years. As Principal of Henderson Media Consultants she contributes to various architecture and design magazines, is a regular speaker at events and has participated as a juror for industry awards. Jan is passionate about design and through her different roles supports and contributes to design in Australia.




Photo: Arup Sydney by Hassell, photography by Earl Carter.


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