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Behind the brand with Singapore-based Liz Teh

Behind the brand with Singapore-based Liz Teh

The Director of Space Design for Haworth International for Asia and Europe tells us all about her global design journey.

The good, the bad and the pandemic: The future of hospitality design with Technē’s Sam Sempill

The good, the bad and the pandemic: The future of hospitality design with Technē’s Sam Sempill

Technē Architecture + Interior Design associate director, Sam Sempill, shares insights into hospitality design.

Vicky Wang of WATG discusses the needs of the hospitality industry   

Vicky Wang of WATG discusses the needs of the hospitality industry   

The Managing Director, Asia Pacific of WATG and Wimberly Interiors on contextual design and her convivial leadership approach.

<strong>Liza Morales: Building better for her children</strong>

Liza Morales: Building better for her children

Female architect Liza Morales cut her teeth in a male-dominated industry at The Big Apple before returning back home to The Philippines decades later to start Ecotecture Design Studio.

Simone LeAmon’s and Ewan McEoin’s aspirations for Australian design

Simone LeAmon’s and Ewan McEoin’s aspirations for Australian design

Securing and now celebrating Australian design’s place in the world are design curators, Simone LeAmon and Ewan McEoin.

Vale Boris Tosic: A life lived to the fullest

Vale Boris Tosic: A life lived to the fullest

It is with immense sadness that we report on the passing of Boris Tosic, founder of Élan. Boris was renowned for his irrepressible spirit, his drive and his big heart.

Ilse Crawford: From magazine editor to multidisciplinary designer

Ilse Crawford: From magazine editor to multidisciplinary designer

British design icon Ilse Crawford wants to reshape the world to be a better place – and believes design is our most powerful means to do so.

Kirsti Simpson’s plan for Woods Bagot Brisbane

Kirsti Simpson’s plan for Woods Bagot Brisbane

Joining Woods Bagot’s Brisbane studio as executive chair, Kirsti Simpson brings an extraordinary breadth of experience. She speaks with Gillian Serisier about the recent move.

An authentic Māori design voice: Elisapeta Heta

An authentic Māori design voice: Elisapeta Heta

Jasmax principal Elisapeta Heta is bringing an authentically Māori design voice to the architecture and design community in Aotearoa, New Zealand – and it’s reaching Indo-Pacific wide. Jan Henderson reports.

Cheshire Architects talks of its journey

Cheshire Architects talks of its journey

Cheshire Architects has forged a name for itself across New Zealand, Australia and abroad, with adventurous clientele who are keen to be taken on a journey.

Cream Pie: From side hustle to a multidisciplinary design studio 

Cream Pie: From side hustle to a multidisciplinary design studio 

Stephanie Er of Cream Pie discusses human-centric design and the purposeful engagement of materials and space.

Mark Landini and his ‘blindfold test’ design approach

Mark Landini and his ‘blindfold test’ design approach

From flying around the clock, to traversing time zones from home. With severe limitations on international travel, Landini Associates has had to adapt its modus operandi. The process has been illuminating, reports Stephen Crafti.