NT Government’s request for tend, Key Worker Accommodation

Simpson's Gap, Northern Territory.

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December 12, 2022

Looking for a project where architecture can make a difference? The Northern Territory Government is taking tenders for Key Worker Accommodation in Alice Springs and Katherine.

Looking for a project where architecture can make a difference? The Northern Territory Government is taking tenders for Key Worker Accommodation in Alice Springs and Katherine.

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“We have listened to local industry and business, and we know they’re struggling to find workers. That’s why we’re doing everything we can to help Territory businesses find staff now, including this acceleration of housing and our recently announced AUD$12.8 million workforce boost,” says Chief Minister, Natasha Fyles.

The Territory Government has released a Request for Tender (RFT) for the Accelerated Regional Accommodation project, seeking submissions from interested parties to deliver new dwellings in Alice Springs and Katherine.

This project aims to deliver 180 dwellings in Alice Springs and 240 in Katherine. Half of these dwellings will be used to accommodate key workers in the regions, while the remainder to be offered for sale or rent in the private market.

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Katherine, Northern Territory.

“The commitment to build these dwellings in Katherine and Alice Springs will bring broader economic and social benefits, including job creation and housing for key workers and the private sector,” says Fyles.

The project is an important element of the Territory Government’s vision of attracting and retaining people to the regions, creating more jobs and supporting population growth. “Key workers and their skills are essential to the economic and social development of the Territory,” says Fyles.

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Industry briefings for the project will be held in Katherine and Alice Springs in the coming weeks.

RFT submissions close on 13 February 2023. To view more about the tender visit invest.nt.gov.au.

Parrtjima festival, Alice Springs.