Happening from 5th to 9th September, this comprehensive event aims to push for a more dynamic built environment.
With its Connect concept, Zenith is helping organisations utilise emerging technology to transform building operations and deliver inspirational experiences to all their employees.
The Kids2 Shanghai office champions brand storytelling while strengthening connections with customers and partners in China.
Through digitisation, we can scale human capability to unprecedented levels. But how do we know that it’s working? Rebecca Edwards of Schneider Electric shares some findings from case studies.
How can companies avoid being blindsided by new technologies? Hervé Coureil of Schneider Electric shares some tips on how to spot challenges that often begin as weak signals at the periphery.
Will the seismic shifts in consumer buying and digitalisation of shopping render brick-and-mortar shops obsolete? Maybe not. But they will make IoT and edge computing in the retail scene essential. Kevin Brown of Schneider Electric writes.