Molo Design At Seehosu

Published by
Aniqa Mannan
August 22, 2013

Best known for their softseating and softwalls, molo produces table settings and flexible freestanding partition systems out of extremely durable, yet mysteriously malleable paper and textile materials.

Available through SeehoSu is the molo range of partition systems, table settings and lighting products.

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molo is a Canadian multi-disciplinary design studio, headed up by Stephanie Forsythe and Todd MacAllen.

Both Forsythe and MacAllen are trained architects who, following graduation, moved into product design and, through virtue of their products, space making.

Among their most popular products is the molo softseating, which was designed to enable flexible and spontaneous space making.

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Formed from concertinaed kraft paper (which is extremely durable and long lasting) and clipped together using hidden magnets, these seats are not only comfortable to sit on, but soften into a natural patina with age.

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molo’s softwall + softblock systems are flexible freestanding partition systems that can expand and contract to freely shape spaces within larger open areas.

Designed using a 100 per cent recyclable polyethylene material that is tear, UV and water resistant, the softwall + softblock appears light and delicate but is extremely durable and long lasting.

Forsythe says that molo has built their iconic product range from material and form-making investigations.

And while their products are highly functional and durable, Forsythe says: “Often our installations feel much like art as anything else… we also really believe making everyday life should be a special experience.”

Combining their unique form-making techniques with lighting, molo has developed softwall + softblock with LED lighting, creating a luminous, ephemeral partition that highlights the delicacy of textile fibres with light.

Complementing this is the urchin softlight, which diffuses ambient, energy efficient LED light from concertinaed urchin-like light forms that can be placed on the floor or table.

New to the range is the cloud floor + table softlight, a floating cloud of light which is comprised of hundreds of cellular honeycomb-like forms.

Cloud floor + table softlight is lit internally by energy-efficient LED and radiates a gentle, all-round, ambient light.

Available through SeehoSu, you can view the molo range of products and lighting at Studio Seehosu, at 1 Mary’s Place, Surry Hills.

Studio SeehoSu is open by appointment Monday – Wednesday, Thursday to Friday 9am – 5pm, and Saturday 10:30am – 4pm.
