Design in Everything

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October 24, 2008

Design is about getting back to basics for Emma Dikyova.

Emma Dikyova has spent her life surrounded by design. Raised in Prague, Czech Republic, she has worked across the globe in architecture, graphic arts and advertising.

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“Design is in everything, everywhere,” she says.

Dikyova specialises in Communication Arts, combining the beauty of design with the practicality of business. Now living in Melbourne, she works as a graphic artist and in the marketing department of an architectural firm.

“I design for different purposes and it balances me. I work for practical reasons as to make living, as well as doing ‘communication art’ which keeps me really ‘alive’.”

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Her portfolio is expansive. It is an impressive mix of sleek corporate logos, vibrant brochures and fine art. At times, her work even crosses over to interior decorating. Despite her skills in creating graphic art digitally, Dikyova still prefers to begin with the basics.

“I use various media, however ink and charcoal are my favourites, being fond of the raw outcome,” she says.

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“I often hear people saying that being a designer is not a vocation in particular, and I have to smile thinking of 17,000 year old Lascaux paintings. Designers have always been around, through many centuries.”