DIGITAL DIAGNOSIS: What does your website say about your business?

Published by
Tess Ritchie
October 15, 2014

Websites, like people, have personalities. And what those websites say about your business is quite telling to the consumer. Words by Sophia Watson.

Too much information, versus too little. Well-designed layouts with no brand substance verses poorly-designed spaces with valuable content. Take the below quiz and find out what your website say about your business.

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1. Most clients would describe the aesthetic of your website as:
a. Sleek, simple and closely aligned with our visual branding
b. A lot of valuable brand information, but the layout doesn’t necessarily match the overall business aesthetic
c. Generic website template, but it gets the job done

2. Most clients would describe the functionality and content of your website as:
a. Easy to navigate, but the content could be a bit more tailored and in-depth
b. A strong and substantial offering of relevant content, but difficult to locate and not succinct enough for the user
c. Limited content that hasn’t been updated in some time

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3. When designing your website, your primary focus was:
a. The overall appearance to convey the visual language of your brand
b. Filling the site with detailed business and brand content. Style and layout was an after thought
c. Having a basic setup for online contact information and company bio

4. How would you describe your target audience?:
a. Technology savvy creatives and industry insiders
b. Conservative sector, largely commercial institutions
c. Anyone. We don’t have a target audience

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5. The current focus and digital strategy of your website is:
a. Establishing a strong brand identity between your online and physical presence
b. Continuously educating and updating the consumer or new product or current projects and related content etc
c. Having our contact information online so people can Google us


Aesthetics have proved to be a key asset in business – particularly in this industry. In a world where consumers have increasingly microscopic attention spans, an instantly eye-catching website can be what seals the deal.

However, people ultimately come to your site for content. Although the first impression of design and layout may attract attention, content will determine whether visitors return or not. Many companies make the mistake of having a well-designed website and thinking that their search engine rankings or name-recognition will keep traffic flowing and visitors engaged. And while these things are critical elements, the demand for excellent content should not be put on the backburner.


Content is a huge part of digital success, but if that content isn’t tempered with a well-designed, on-brand layout, then no one will stick around long enough for the content to have an impact. User-centric design should be integral in your digital strategy. Overloading users with mountains of content they are unable to navigate through or even locate to begin with, gives the impression that your business is cluttered, messy and un-organised.

The first impression this potential customer will have about your business is based on your salesperson. Let’s say that you had one salesperson. He was poorly-dressed and unkempt. He made babies cry. (Okay, so maybe not that bad, but you get the point) Would you send out this person to visit with potential customers? Chances are you wouldn’t, and this same principle applies for your brand’s digital presence.


Like it or not, your website speaks on your behalf, creating impressions and either attracting or turning away potential business. A cheap-looking, non-functional website gives the impression that the business does not care to invest in the things that matter. A website that is not user-friendly may tell your visitors you lack caring and basic customer service. A blog that has not been updated may speak of neglect. Regardless of your product or service, it is vital to consistently evaluate the message you are sending across the digital sphere. Creating a user-friendly, professional, and meaningful site may take some time and money, but the alternative may be even more costly.


1. Aesop
2. Hansel
3. Sydney Living Museums

Illustrations by Alex Buccheri