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How should one design for Asia’s ageing population?

Designing living spaces for the elderly has become an increasingly important area of focus given Asia’s rapidly ageing population. Here are three different projects that have sought out ways to address the issue.

How should one design for Asia’s ageing population?


August 14th, 2015

A Humanistic Care Centre


The 13-million-dollar Senior Centre of Guangxi by the Bureau of Retired Veteran Cadres has been designed to fulfill the needs of a generation that has spent a majority of their youth living through China’s cultural revolution.

Designed by New York and Beijing based inter-disciplinary practice, Atelier Alter, the architectural ideals of the centre is derived from a humanistic approach. Read more…

A Resort For The Elderly


When it comes to homes for the elderly, good and well-considered design has by and large been elusive. Yet, with the world’s population rapidly ageing, architects are now increasingly coming up with innovative ways of ensuring that even in old age, one can still enjoy most if not all of life’s pleasures. In this arena, ThomsonAdsett, who has been tasked with designing the Beijing Suangqiao Senior Living Resort in China, is leading the charge. Read more…

Retirement Home Meets Urban Farm


For a small, urbanised city-state like Singapore, where 20 per cent of residents will be aged 65 years and over by 2030, the impact of an ageing population will be keenly felt on the economic, social, and infrastructural front; food security is an equally pertinent issue since 90 per cent of the nation’s food supply are imported from overseas.

Enter Home Farm. Set in the context of Singapore, this conceptual project by award-winning architectural and design studio SPARK is a bold attempt to address both the changes to the country’s demographics, and its dependence on imported food. Read more…

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