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Andrew P Street


So That’s The End of the Co-Living Boom, Huh?

So That’s The End of the Co-Living Boom, Huh?

Shared living spaces looked like being the future of metropolitan living and working, and now they seem like human petri-dishes. So, what comes next?

How to wrangle space when you’re all locked down at home

How to wrangle space when you’re all locked down at home

We’re going to be asking a lot of our living spaces in the coming weeks, so how best to keep things ticking along with the family in close 24 hour quarters?

What would a perfect pandemic isolation home look like?

What would a perfect pandemic isolation home look like?

Writer Andrew P Street wants to build the social distancing house of the future!

Hostile architecture is turning our cities against us

Hostile architecture is turning our cities against us

Ever get the feeling that you’re not welcome in your own town? That’s not an accident.

Television has ruined your sense of what a house should be like

Television has ruined your sense of what a house should be like

Writer Andrew P Street believes that our perceptions of how big our houses and apartments should be might have been a little skewed by the TV we watched and on that note, where the hell is his live studio audience?

It’s not Holden you’re mourning, it’s the Australian Dream

It’s not Holden you’re mourning, it’s the Australian Dream

Everything from our cars to our spreads to our quarter acre block has been fetishised. Writer Andrew P Street thinks maybe it’s time to get over them.

The Parasite House isn’t a house and it damn well should be

The Parasite House isn’t a house and it damn well should be

Andrew P. Street laments the fact that he’ll never get to live in the Parasite house, unless one of you talented architects actually built it for him?

Will you take the ten day hospital challenge?

Will you take the ten day hospital challenge?

Say what you will about the administration of China, they sure know how to address a lack of medical facilities in the face of a crisis.

Hollywood’s tips for epidemic proofing your house

Hollywood’s tips for epidemic proofing your house

Films have already given us the answers to how to shelter from viruses, and the zombies they regularly create, and maybe it’s time to heed those lessons.

Hail Hail, Parliament House

Hail Hail, Parliament House

If our national seat of power isn’t safe from extreme weather, what in Australia is?

Where there’s smoke, there’s more smoke

Where there’s smoke, there’s more smoke

With Australia choking on bushfire smoke, will our designs need to deal with the increased uninhabitability of our buildings-slash-nation?

Change must be made soon or regional Australia will become unlivable

Change must be made soon or regional Australia will become unlivable

What happens when the risk of fire makes regional life completely uninsurable? We may be about to find out.

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