In the last decade, a growing spotlight on early childhood education has birthed a more diverse conversation about how to best nurture our young ones. What role does design play in this dialogue and how can it further the agenda of a richer, more holistic education?
How adaptable and resilient is the Master Plan 2019 set forth by the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA)? investigates.
Daliana Suryawinata and Florian Heinzelmann of SHAU are dogged idealists when it comes to the transformative power of architecture and urban design. Projects like their series of microlibraries show how social improvements can come one architectural experiment at a time.
What do we want from our public housing? And more importantly, what do we—as consumers and citizens—need from it? The answers are evolving with institutional and private-sector innovation.
Design consultancy COLOURS tears down the architecture and public space silos to create meaningful places for people and the environment.
After a year of upheaval in the workplace, what does the workplace of today (and the future) need to address? Cubes 101 focuses on workplaces that provide clues on the way forward.
Serie Architects’ founding principal Christopher Lee has single-mindedly designed with utmost consideration of the city and the cultural and societal norms that come along with it. The resulting works are thoughtful contributions to the cities they inhabit.
The special anniversary issue of Cubes is out now. We pause, reflect and look ahead with an acute consciousness that design can be a powerful agent for better outcomes.
Cubes issue 99 is out now! It recognises that at the core of the experience economy is emotion. And it’s available as a special free e-mag in case you can’t access your print copy right now!
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Thinking beyond the box when it comes to packaging
With the rise of e-commerce, it’s time we reconsider what packaging is for, says regular columnist Justin Zhuang. There is opportunity for better performance in terms of brand experience and the reduction of waste.