A New Green Playground For Gainsborough

Published by
Andrew McDonald
January 25, 2016

A new playground made of recycled has been opened in Mirvac's Gainsborough Greens community in Pimpama.

The 6,000 square metre parkland has been opened and features log forts, a fallen tree climbing sculpture, hill slide, swing set, climbing boulders and integrated natural play environments. Most strikingly though, is that some 90% per cent of the timber used in the design comes from recycled sources.

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The playground is at the heart of the Forest Green precinct, a golf side release at Mirvac’s Gainsborough Greens project in Pimpama.

“The new park is a real showcase of what Gainsborough Greens has to offer,” says Mirvac’s Development Director of Masterplanned Communities Queensland, Russell Berlee “The northern Gold Coast has always attracted residents who want to live in leafy surroundings, so retaining that sense of green open space is a major component of our community.

“Using recycled timber to create this playground is not only in keeping with Mirvac’s core sustainability values, but it has allowed us to create a unique parkland that will spark the imagination of children of all ages.

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Mirvac has fast-tracked new houses in the development space, so as to meet strong demand, and this new playground matches that demand, creating a beautiful and playful space for families.

Gainsborough Greens

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