Cubes Redesign

Published by
Philippa Daly
September 17, 2013

The newly redesigned Cubes Indesign has a new suit and it’s looking sleeker, sharper and smarter. The freshly minted design reinforces the magazine’s position as one of the most credible interiors and architecture titles in the Region.

The tweaks and changes are not just skin-deep. It is not only easier to navigate, but also offers our audience a more pleasurable reading experience.  The redesign also triggered improvements to the content and how stories are presented. For one, the magazine presents more behind-the-scenes insights into projects in Singapore and greater Asia, and also amplifies the voices of the design and architecture fraternity in the region through a greater variety of stories. Notably, the redesign of the magazine also offers more opportunities for creative collaborations – all this in addition to an already solid foundation of design and architecture editorial.

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