Saturday in Design: The Rundown and Lowdown

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August 25, 2011

Orange flags and lanyards everywhere, crowds of excited but slightly frenzied-looking people roaming Sydney streets – it’s got to be Saturday in Design.

The sun really does always shine on SiD.

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A rather windy and rainy +Friday didn’t bode well for the rest of the weekend (though it still didn’t stop an unprecedented number of people heading out on Friday for the VIP events).

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Luckily for the 7000+ people who made their way out to the showrooms on Saturday, the sun was shining, the sky was blue and the vibe was electric.


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Seeing each of the 92 exhibitors was near impossible, though many gave it a good try.

The Project installations – inspired by this year’s keyword, ’element’ – were stunning displays of collaboration and creativity, with each group of creatives putting its own imaginative twist on the theme.







Showrooms pulled out all the stops to make the day truly special, with international guests, live events and demonstrations, gourmet food and drinks, competitions and prize draws.



You can read a full review of the day, sorted by precinct, here.

Keep an eye on Indesignlive and the Saturday in Design website over the next couple of weeks as we bring you all the party pics and highlights from the big event.

Thank you to all our exhibitors, sponsors, bus drivers, ambassadors, visitors and everyone who made the day possible – and see you next year!