The Orator Brings Birdsong to the Urban Landscape

Published by
Ashley Tucker
February 12, 2016

Much research has been devoted to how beneficial nature is to the human brain. With nature's psychological satisfaction in mind, St Petersburg designer Katia Tolstykh has designed the Orator, an object that satisfies our innate craving to spend time in nature. 

Katia Tolstykh has designed an ergonomic bird feeder-cum-hanging basket that disseminates the blissful sound of tweeting via a small megaphone.

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For Tolstykh the biggest emphasis in this project was on the visual component, but special attention has been given to sound. At the base of the object is an oak pot with climbing plants, which gradually envelops the copper rails that is gradually transformed into a nest-like shape as the plant grows, and a tiny speaker plays the sweet sounds of birds singing.

Made of oak and copper, with wood works by Smiths Workshop and metal works by Alexey Lebedev, the Orator is a beautifully resolved object that is sure to bring a therapeutic slice of nature to the urban landscape.

Photography by Crispy Point 

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Katia Tolstykh

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