Duravit Nahho Bath

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July 28, 2011

New "Nahho" flotation tub with ancient roots.

The special forte of the EOOS design group is drawing on archaic models to create new designs. They apply poetic analysis to transform their inspiration into cutting-edge high-tech products. This approach has spawned numerous bathroom wellness products exuding strong emotional appeal. Their latest design is the “Nahho” flotation tub for bathroom manufacturer Duravit. This new product follows the EOOS tradition whereby wellness always involves a special gesture.

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Stretch out and drift away

This time, the gesture involves lifting a flap to immerse oneself in a whole new bathing experience – floating. The user is able to enjoy the feeling of weightlessness as he or she drifts into a state of total relaxation. The name “Nahho” is intended to encapsulate this experience – the word derives from Old High German for “dug-out canoe”. Specific requirements have to be met, in order to float in a bathtub as if in a dug-out. The most important prerequisite is a totally relaxed, that is, totally stretched out posture. For this purpose, Nahho features a special headrest which has been inspired by the “bushman” neck rest. “Bushmen” were used in Ethiopia in earlier times, in order to raise the head from the ground while sleeping and to provide protection from pests and vermin. On the basis of this archaic model, the designers have created a modern bushman featuring an organic curvature which gently nestles the bather’s neck, thereby keeping the body above water. Those who prefer to have their ears underwater can simply remove the lower part of the bushman and slide down further into the bathtub.

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