Christopher Frederick Jones

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May 5, 2010 meets a photographer with an eye for architecture.

“It’s been great weather up here and I’ve been out shooting.”

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An apology in my inbox that painted the perfect portrait of a day in the life of an architectural photographer – out in the open air waiting to capture the perfect light cast on inspiring subjects.

Christopher Frederick Jones – named 2010 AIPP Queensland Commercial Photographer of the Year – is a favourite of Australian architectural practices for his vivid pictorial representations of the built environment.

His eye for form, light and angles has made him a popular choice among architects as Michael Rayner, director at Cox Rayner, who says he “captures the expression and atmosphere of the spaces created around our works beautifully”.

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“I try to capture the atmosphere and volumetric quality of the spaces that is created from architecture, as well as the built form and setting it in context,” says Frederick Jones. 

Frederick left a hands-on career in the architectural industry to pursue his passion for photography, and it is no doubt this expertise that allows him to articulate the architectural ingenuity behind his subjects.

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“After a lot of discussions with my wife and some sole searching to find the courage to go it alone it was easy really – I was to combine my passions for design and photography, and four years on it is still the best move I have ever made.”

But timing is key for composing the right shot and Frederick Jones enjoys “the challenge of working with strong contrasts in light to retain detail in all areas of the image”.

“I believe that my best work is still to come and with new advances in camera technology and some great architects creating some exciting works, still gets me out of bed in the morning.”

Christopher Frederick Jones