New Federal Minister for Cities and the Built Environment Appointed

Published by
Lorenzo Logi
October 19, 2015

The new Turnbull government has named Jamie Briggs as the Minister for Cities and the Built Environment.

Briggs’s appointment to lead the new Department of Cities and the Built Environment has been made to better deal with the changing nature of the cityscape in the 21st century.

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“Historically the federal government has had a limited engagement with cities, and yet that is where most Australians live, it is where the bulk of our economic growth can be found,” said Mr Turnbull on the appointment. “We often overlook the fact that liveable cities, efficient productive cities, the environment of cities, are economic assets.”

As a highly urbanised nation, Australia faces a number of challenges as its towns and cities develop. From climate change and population growth to an ageing demographic and an increasing demand for infrastructure, Australian cities need strategies, policies and processes in place to manage a built environment that can sustain us into the future.

The creation of the role has been well received by the architecture and planning industries, with Australian Institute of Architects CEO, David Parken remarking, “This is very welcome news. A federal champion is crucial in driving reforms that better connect built environment policies and programs across all levels of government. The federal government can now play a key role in ensuring Australia’s built environment will function as well as it can.”

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This sentiment was echoed by Green Building Council of Australia’s Chief Executive Officer, Romilly Madew, “We applaud Prime Minister Turnbull’s decision to appoint Jamie Briggs as Australia’s first Minister for Cities and the Built Environment. This appointment recognises not only the importance of our cities as the engine room of the nation’s productivity and prosperity, but also the central role the built environment plays in tackling many of Australia’s greatest challenges.”

Department of Cities and the Built Environment

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