re:new ’“ environmental roots

Published by
April 28, 2010

We take you through Big River Group’s sustainable approach on the re:new website.

Having its roots firmly planted in the Australian timber industry for over 100 years, Big River Group recognises the importance of sustainable practices.

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By maximising the value extracted from each log processed, Big River Group aims to keep their environmental impact to a minimum.

With long-term wood supply agreements (LTWSA) with the State Government of NSW for the sourcing of their raw material log – and accredited under the Australian Forestry Standard (AFS) – 88% of the Big River log resource is from plantation forests in the state, for both pine and hardwood. The balance is AFS accredited re-growth hardwood.

Big River have built a reputation for adding value to these resources through their unique processes to produce structural grade products, in particular the hardwood plantations that were originally planted for woodchip use…

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Click here to read the rest of this story on the Big River Group re:new website.

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