Designing the future of education

Published by
Juliet Taylor
April 13, 2023

Actiu is known around the world for focusing on one thing above all else: Wellbeing. But what does wellbeing look like in a post-pandemic world? And how can we provide support where it matters most?

Designing spaces which support the wellbeing of their inhabitants has never been simple. However, the unpredictable challenges of the post-covid educational landscape mean that designers need to be more vigilant than ever – and Actiu is ready to adapt.

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The changing demands of educational environments are influenced by a number of factors. The most obvious difference between pre and post pandemic spaces is the shift towards hybridity. Hybrid spaces are becoming the new norm as the world begins to adapt to the idea of life online. The classroom of the future is dynamic, flexible and malleable. It gives teachers and students alike the ability to take charge of their own environment – an environment which can adapt to any methodological or pedagogical objective.

Another consideration for supportive learning spaces is the diversity of learning itself. There are numerous types of active learning methods – for instance, solo, group or remote working – all of which require unique conditions and considerations. Actiu recognises the importance of keeping the student at the forefront of these discussions, to ensure that spaces are designed with inclusivity and participation in mind. Products such as Talent, Whass and Agile Collection are leading the charge in this space of high demand.

Even with 50 years of industry experience, Actiu remains as fresh and innovative as the day it was founded. Constantly seeking new opportunities to respond to the evolving world around us, Actiu continues to manufacture cutting-edge products which improve wellbeing. Actiu is a world leader in the field of sustainability and wellbeing with various qualifications to prove it, including being the first industrial company in the world to be awarded the WELL and LEED Platinum Certifications – recognising its headquarters as the fifth healthiest building in the world.

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Individuals have always been the heart of education: their learning, abilities, talent, values and – especially – well-being. Transforming the educational landscape to recognise this means taking a holistic approach to the challenges and advancements of our world. New educational proposals are beginning to reflect this diversity of perspectives, addressing issues of sustainability, technology, health and nature. In this regard, the evolution of learning spaces becomes more critical than ever as environments must adapt to new needs and become more inclusive.

Students cannot reach their full potential in an uncomfortable or unhealthy environment. For a learning space to fulfil its true purpose, it must be agile and connected. The flexibility, ergonomics and comfort of furniture – as well as the unstoppable advance of technology – are key to the evolution of successful modern workspaces. Actiu is on a mission to provide the world with wellbeing, letting the latest innovations and quality manufacturing forever change the landscape of education, one learning space at a time. 

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