Want Something to WOW Your Boss?

Published by
David Congram
January 12, 2017

Your boss is going to want to get behind #SID17. Here’s how you can help them do it – and in turn, help you!

As if you don’t have enough reasons to partner with us for Sydney Indesign 2017. #SID17 is an absolute immersion in Australian architecture and design. And, year-on-year it proves why the entire global design industry needs to get together and present their R&D to push us all forward.

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We don’t want to toot our own horn, but it’s not the easiest thing to do. Co-ordinating a city-wide event over several days, in three precincts, with over 9,000 attendees, #SID17 is a big deal.

This is why we’ve decided to go smaller this year. Yes, there’ll be more attendees than ever before – and yes, we’re still bringing you the latest in design and innovation – but we’re limiting our scope to go deeper, learn more and really get to the heart of what makes our industry great: you.

Indesign: The Event is a success story not because of us. It’s a success because you get behind it. Your brands, your teams and your bosses get behind us, engage the industry, and guide the event to provide solutions to the diverse needs of our community.

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Every time Indesign Media opens the curtains on our events, our number one agenda is to match your unique skill-set and enhance it. The whole point of #SID17 is to grow: to learn, to engage, to meet, and to translate your experience into direct business outcomes. Maybe you’ll be inspired by a design? Maybe something will inspire yours. Maybe that emerging specification practice walks through your showroom and starts the beginning of a beautiful long-term partnership. Maybe… just maybe … you’ll discover a whole new audience nobody knew was quietly expanding. Sound like something your boss should know about?


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So, let’s get your boss on board!


Look, ultimately, your boss is going to ask you one question: “WHY?”

Here’s your answer: “GROWTH”.

The whole point of experiential design events all around the globe is to drive growth – personal growth, the growth of your department, the growth of your design, the growth of your clients, and the growth of your brand as a whole. So, how can #SID17 do all of that for your boss?

At it’s very core, here’s all they need to know about why the need to partner with #SID17:



#SID17 is the ultimate opportunity to learn the latest trends, issues and solutions which affect the full spectrum of out industry in meaningful ways. No boss wants to be behind the 8 ball…


With over 9,000 attendees and almost 200 exhibitors, #SID17 engages all aspects of our diverse industry. From designers to specifiers, architects to enthusiasts, distributors to marketing gurus, every individual on the chain of design-production-supply meets at #SID17.


What use is a big event without any results? We take pride in the fact that our partners consistently drive the event to enhance their teams and begin new journeys of growth.


But we know that not every boss is the same. You’ve got to pitch it in just the right way to get them engaged. Here’s a handy guide to identify your boss below, and get them to jump on board this year’s most impactful day of design. Is your boss a…?

BUZZWORD BOSS:          Funnels! Virtual reality! Branding! Voice! Experiential inspiration for optimised development professionals. (…Ok…?). Look, just make sure you drop stacks of buzzwords to get them pumped. Here’s some relevant ones: people-interface, ‘designeering’, cutting through the noise. (That should do it!)

‘WALK WITH ME’ BOSS:          Two minutes! That’s all you’ve got. Your boss is always in a rush and can’t sit still. Their 4 phones are always ringing and you’ve got 2 minutes to talk while you walk with them down the hall. Use the time wisely and get straight to the point. Let them know: they can’t miss out, time is scarce, and #SID17 is an efficient way to speak to EVERYONE … no meetings necessary.

BIG MONEY BOSS:           Cutting costs and reducing overheads is their life. Being a game-player was not what it used to be in this market of increased property prices and distribution strategies. So, let them know that partnering with #SID17 is a system of long-term dividend yield. Small investment, big and enduring results.

BEST MATE BOSS:          You’ve been BFFs 4evah. You have coffee everyday (and beers everyday too). Culture is everything… am I right? Who doesn’t love chatting and catching up? Well, buy you boss a pint and let them know #SID17 the biggest industry reunion of the year – “all our friends will be there! Let’s host a party!”

BIGGER=BETTER BOSS:          This boss knows the value of upscaling training and skill-investment. Practice makes perfect and education is the root of success. This boss will stop dead in their tracks when you let them know that business excellence stems from a foundation of intense learning – we’ve just made it easy by bring the learning to you.

EVERYONE ELSE’S BOSS:          They get it! They’re already on board – we’ve been talking with them forever. They’ve always known the value to partnering with thought-leadership and they’re probably going to want to do #SID17 over and over and over again. Why not!


Oh! And one final thing. Email your boss this article.


“Let’s Talk”

(We’ll take it from here).