Five thought-provoking stories on AI in architecture and interior design

380 Lonsdale Street by Elenberg Fraser, photograph by Peter Clarke.

Published by
Saskia Neacsu
April 17, 2024

Artificial intelligence is one of the defining issues of our time. Here are five ideas articles addressing the anxieties and possibilities of the technology in design.

With artificial intelligence on the rise, the trajectory of myriad industries is shifting dramatically. Employees and students face uncertainty and many fear the detrimental effects this technological advance will have on an array of professions, especially within the design industry. Drawing on a wide range of writers, join our conversation as we highlight five stories that address discourse of artificial intelligence on architecture and interior design.

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It’s not the what but the how with Timothy Alouani-Roby

In the realm of architecture and design, the advent of AI has ignited excitement and apprehension. Timothy Alouani-Roby cuts to the philosophical heart of the matter, challenging the prevailing dichotomy that pits AI as either a liberator or a threat to creativity. Rather, he advocates for a more nuanced understanding of AI’s role in our digital age.

Our digital editor aptly observes that what we label as AI today often amounts to data-processing mechanisms, akin to powerful search engines fuelled by vast amounts of data. Even generative AI, touted for its creative potential, relies on pre-existing data to formulate novel designs. Amidst this landscape, Alouani-Roby calls attention to the pivotal question: how can AI be harnessed in architecture and design; how can it serve as a partner in innovation rather than simply a disruptor of tradition?

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Have you ever wondered why you design the way you do? With Robert Puksand

Robert Puksand, founder of Gray Puksand, invites readers to a thought-provoking discourse on architectural evolution and technological currents shaping contemporary design. With an introspective lens, Puksand speaks to the ‘analog era’ of architecture, elucidating how postmodernism and deconstructivism sculpted the ethos of architectural practice. He questions the discourse, speculating that modern architectural dialogue is often a construct of past paradigms rather than a continuum of tradition.

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Transitioning to the digital landscape, Puksand confronts the challenges and opportunities presented by AI. Amid the flux of digital innovation, Puksand navigates the challenges of design homogeneity, questioning whether technological advancements foster diverse architectural expressions or inadvertently stifle them. In a poignant call to action, he highlights the cultural significance of architectural design, urging designers to champion unconventional ideas that enrich the human experience, even in the face of resistance.

Is there a place for human touch in the age of AI? With Ken Shuttleworth

In this conversation on the intersection of tradition and technology, Ken Shuttleworth, the visionary architect behind Make Architects, muses on the evolving landscape of architectural design and the relevance of hand-drawn artistry. Central to his discourse is The Architectural Drawing Prize (TADP), an international competition he started in order to celebrate the timeless practice of architectural drawing amid the digital age’s onslaught.

With a commitment to preserving the art of hand drawing, Shuttleworth brings to light its value as a means of communication and expression, lamenting its waning prominence in contemporary architectural education. While acknowledging AI’s nascent role in the creative process, Shuttleworth is optimistic and acknowledges its potential to inspire and augment design ideation. Reflecting on past technological shifts, Shuttleworth anticipates AI’s impact on architectural workflows and readers are left contemplating the balance between human touch and technological advancement.

Are these the last days of architecture? With Gerald Matthews

In a candid discussion with Timothy Alouani-Roby, Gerald Matthews, the astute managing director of Matthews Architects, offers a perspective into the complexities of AI and its implications for the architectural profession. With an incisive lens, Matthews challenges the notion of such intelligence, cautioning against overestimating its capabilities as mere language processing systems. He observes that many AI tools function as “paraphrasing tools,” lacking the discernment inherent in human aesthetic and value judgments.

Matthews contends that not every structure warrants the design of an architect, suggesting an overhaul of traditional perspectives on architectural practice. In navigating the potential risks of AI, Matthews advocates for oversight and regulation akin to safeguarding children, stressing the need for a global authority to monitor AI development. Through Matthews’ nuanced perspective, our readers are confronted with the existential questions surrounding AI’s role in shaping the future of architecture, the imperative of informed deliberation and proactive stewardship in navigating this technological frontier.


An In-depth Q&A on AI with Woods Bagot’s Jet Geaghan

Jet Geaghan, tech advocate and associate at Woods Bagot, is in deep conversation – including part two here ­– speaking to the interplay between AI development and the prevailing socio-political landscape. Geaghan reflects on the evolving role of AI, warning against the spread of ‘design spam’ – iterations devoid of substance and fuelled by monetary compensation. He highlights the role of human expertise in guiding AI’s trajectory, highlighting the importance of synthesising data into informed decision-making processes.

While acknowledging AI’s prowess in data processing, Geaghan exposes its current limitations in original research, elucidating its reliance on the human direction for creative endeavours. Geaghan addresses concerns surrounding privacy and plagiarism, urging oversight to mitigate potential risks.

“AI will be instrumental in shaping the places & spaces of the future. The onus is on designers to engage in this movement so as to forge better outcomes for all.”