Herman Miller Healthcare Palisade Collection captures best of show at Healthcare Design 2014

Published by
Tess Ritchie
December 5, 2014

Herman Miller Healthcare is delighted to announce that the new Palisade™ Collection was named “Best of Show” in the prestigious Nightingale Awards Competition at the 2014 Healthcare Design Conference in San Diego, November 15-18.

The Nightingale Awards showcase excellence and innovation in healthcare product design. The annual competition aims to promote and recognise product design that contributes to the quality of healthcare. The Palisade Collection is designed to encourage guest participation in the healing process by creating an accommodating and responsive setting within the patient room.

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It can be used in other areas within health systems, such as lounges, waiting rooms, and public spaces, where the experience of waiting can influence the perception of care. It is also perfect for caregiver lounges and respite rooms. Palisade is based on research that shows the presence of family members can improve patient communication, satisfaction, and outcomes.

In a recent study at Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis, family support was shown to lower the potential for patient injury, preventing additional intervention and costs. By providing family areas in patient rooms, patient falls were cut by two-thirds compared to rooms with no family accommodations.

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“Palisade is a thoughtful solution that recognises the fact that families and friends function as a critical part of the caregiving team,” added Louise McDonald, President of Herman Miller Healthcare. The Palisade Collection features seating, technology support, lighting, storage, sleeping, and work space. Designed for Herman Miller Healthcare by Jess Sorel of Sorel Studio, Palisade supports multiple functions within the patient room footprint while providing the flexibility to adapt to the continuous change in healthcare facilities.

While traditional patient rooms focus on patients, Sorel was intrigued by the idea of focusing on another important audience within that same space. In designing Palisade, he created an environment that speaks to the patient’s guests first, instantly projecting a sense of welcome and support.

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“From the minute you walk into the room, you can immediately see that there is something different here, and you are the focus,” said Sorel. “Once this guest has been effectively cared for, it enables them to turn their attention to hosting the patient. It’s fascinating to think of hosting as not only a person-to-person relationship, but also
something a space can communicate to a person.” Palisade includes a sofa that converts to a sleep surface, open and intuitive storage, a guest stool designed to sit next to the bed and support eye-level guest-to-patient interactions, and a mobile table with legs that slide under the sofa for a more efficient footprint.

About Herman Miller’s Healthcare Businesses

Herman Miller Healthcare and Nemschoff bring over 80 years of combined experience and a deep understanding of healthcare environments to help clients think strategically about their space— beyond furniture. They leverage this rich insight and an unparalleled product offering to create adaptive environments across the care continuum that are better for patients, easier for caregivers, and smarter for business. Through a network of clinical strategists, designers, application specialists, and sales professionals, Herman Miller Healthcare provide research-based, problem-solving solutions to improve working and healing environments.

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