Habitusliving Redesign

Published by
Philippa Daly
September 17, 2013

Extending the scope of Habitus magazine, habitusliving explores every face of living in design. And we now introduce the new habitusliving – a richer, more engaging reader experience.

Taking the successful editorial model of the print publication to a global audience, habitusliving is the first online community for the Design Hunter. Seeing the Internet as another rich and diverse source of inspiration and information, this audience is interested in the cultural and regional histories behind the aesthetics of design.

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Our aim with the new website was to redefine the way readers experience habitusliving, purging unnecessary clutter and letting what really matters – our curated, beautifully presented content – really shine. We’ve done away with the traditional landing page, and created an interactive visual interface that gives a bird’s eye view of the latest articles, allowing readers to easily and intuitively browse for and stumble upon content.

“We wanted to create something new, yet still familiar,” says habitusliving Online Editor, Lorenzo Logi. “We wanted something cleaner, less cluttered, more engaging that sustained the tone and quality associated with the Habitus name.” Inspired by the highly visual nature of the Habitus magazine, the new website explores an innovative style of navigation that encourages spontaneous engagement.

A host of features in our ‘back-end’ have also been improved, from the site’s ‘searchability’ to the integration of social media and SEO optimisation, further spreading the site’s reach and enlarging any campaign’s online footprint. And more importantly, a more attractive website will draw more readers, ensuring content is broadcast to a wider and more passionate audience.

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