2015 Architects Board Award Winner – Peter Lee

Published by
Lorenzo Logi
December 4, 2015

Lee is highly regarded for his contribution to the built environment, in Perth in particular.

Lee has a deep personal passion for improving the human condition through the built environment. For Perth-based people, this has particular relevance, given that a large number of the architectural projects that he has led, have had a direct impact on the changing face of our city.

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His roles with the Committee for Perth (Reshaping Working Group); Committee for Economic Development Australia; and Perth Local Development Assessment Panel have enabled him to contribute significantly to shaping the Perth of the future.

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He has worked on a number of projects which continue to transform Perth, including one40william, the New Perth Stadium, Waterbank, Westin Hotel and the New Stadium Events Railway Station, proposed new hotel at Burswood and Chevron Tower Brookfield Place, ABC Headquarters, People’s Republic of China Consulate, Parliament House Northern Extensions, Casino Expansion and Perth Metro Rail.

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Lee maintains a high profile within the architecture profession and the West Australian business community. He holds board roles with FORM, Foundation Housing and Open House Perth. He has carried out significant voluntary work with Foundation Housing and Open House Perth, which has assisted in the provision of welfare accommodation for some of the homeless people of Perth.

Over the years, his architectural projects have been recognised with numerous awards – including Australian Institute of Architect awards for urban design and the Institute’s George Temple Poole Award for one40william. This Award is made to the building achieving the highest standard against its peers.