Type Hype

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February 9, 2011

Fans of font unite! A new project by 3 type enthusiasts is calling all likeminded people to help create a digital pictorial record of Sydney signage.

The Type-Hoes are the typeface-loving alter-egos of Mick Tonello, Baz Beckley and Ross Mackenzie. All from advertising typography and ad design backgrounds, the Type-Hoes are creating a project that will highlight the various quirky and beautiful examples of signage in and around Sydney.

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With progress and technology changing the way we create and interact with type, the traditional methods for creating signage may become lost.

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What the Type-Hoes aim to do is bring attention to the beautiful examples of the craft of signage around Sydney and, in doing so, create an online record of these works before they are demolished or fade away.

The Type-Hoes are asking Sydneysiders to take photographs of any interesting typography or signage in their suburbs and upload them to their ’Sydney’s Type’ Facebook page.

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Sorted by suburb, the site will be a virtual stroll through the city of Sydney and a lasting record of how type and signage looked in the early 21st century.

Some beautiful examples can already be viewed online.

“I do appreciate some of the oldest examples I’ve seen,” says Mick Tonello of his favourite Sydney signages so far.

“I know what pains it took to create all the letterforms by hand and with paint!”

Next time you’re walking through Sydney, take a look up and around; take a snap and upload it to the Sydney’s Type Facebook site, and celebrate and preserve the art of signage in the city.