ZON Personal Air Purifier

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November 17, 2011

ZON’s new technology is more effective than traditional room air purifiers.

Humanscale is the premier designer and manufacturer of ergonomic products that improve health, comfort and work life quality.

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Winning the GREEN Good Design Award USA 2011, based on the idea of repairing our world with sustainable and ecological alternatives, the Humanscale ZON Personal Air Purifier has also been awarded the USA Energy Star certification, being 2.5 times more efficient than Energy Star requirements, produces zero ozone and is also the only air purifier in the market to offer recyclable filters.

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When the filter is saturated, it can be easily vacuumed clean and re-used or recycled with common paper products – a first for air purifiers.

Its targeted approach to air purification is both more efficient and more effective, silently and unobtrusively filtering out more than 99% of airborne contaminants of all sizes, including dust, smoke, bacteria, allergens, smog, viruses, and even Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) like formaldehyde.


Most importantly, it promotes health from the inside out at home, at work and also in healthcare environments.
