Up, Up and…

Published by
January 20, 2009

This ‘toy for all ages’ brings back memories of simpler times.

This great little object by Ole Søndergaard is aimed at evoking the child within. Described as a toy for children of all ages the promotional material for ‘Plane’ also includes an equally nostalgic diary entry from Søndergaard.

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“Above me, in the distance can be heard the sound of the engine of a little sports plane. It is summer and the air is completely still. The sky is a brilliant blue and as always I am drawn when I see a plane in the sky.  With an almost childlike joy I can permanently forget both time and place and soar up into the wide blue yonder.”

Reminiscent of the Swedish Brio range of wooden toys, ‘Plane’ is a simple design, without the bells and whistles, that should strike a chord in many a grown man, let alone his children.

‘Plane’ is available in three sizes and three colours (light blue, black and red) and all are supplied with suspension cords. The toy should be available in February from $65 rrp (though one would hope air-freight would be included).

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Designer Ole Søndergaard