The Magnify Collection by J+J/Invision

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July 31, 2012

This modular and broadloom collection of commercial carpets presents the ordinary in an extraordinary way

Inspiration is a wonderful thing. It takes many forms: tangible, ethereal or experiential. The impulse to create something based on any one of these stimuli is what drives innovation and results in the exciting evolution of existing products and materials.

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’Corrugated’ Inspiration

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’Corrugated’ Carpet

For this J+J/Invision collection, their muse was their immediate environment. The facilities where their collections are designed and manufactured in Georgia, United States, became an accidental hero in the creation of four new carpet designs that appropriately go by the name: ’Magnify’.

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’Strapped’ Inspiration

’Strapped’ Carpet

Casting a keen eye around their immediate surroundings the designers have drawn out the beauty within the seemingly insignificant flotsam-and-jetsam that littered the mill floor – the chaos of untamed packaging straps, the stratified patterning of stacked carpet tile off-cuts, the irregularity and colour play in the building’s rusted walls and the motion within the squiggle of cardboard box corrugations.

’Stacked’ Inspiration

’Stacked’ Carpet

The Magnify Collection tells its own story, a nod to the backdrop of a proud industry and an abstract insight into material’s humble beginnings. A commercial, broadloom and modular carpet range that is available in Australia through Carpet Republic, Magnify offers commercial carpets with a depth, lustre and texture that within their colour-ways, afford coordination within the broader J+J/Invision collections.

’Rusted’ Inspiration

’Rusted’ Carpet


Carpet Republic