Offecct – furniture with a mission for health

Published by
Andrew McDonald
April 3, 2018

It’s proven that good air and sound quality improves our creativity and our wellbeing in the office but nearly everybody still ignores this – Offecct isn’t everybody.

Offecct’s Air & Sound collection contains products with both air and sound absorbing qualities, as well as the possibility to add greenery to the indoor environment. The collection is an example of how Offecct realise their mission Offecct Lifecircle – a mission to create design for sustainable and creative environments, stimulating well-being.

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Soundwave acoustic panels

Sound quality influences our creativity. Sound pollution spoils the atmosphere in a room, saps concentration, increases stress levels and adversely affects how we feel. This is a problem that is growing with the increasing tendency towards larger rooms and open-plan solutions. When Offecct first began producing the original design collection Soundwave acoustic panels in 2002, they were pioneers in the industry. Today, with greater insight into the importance of sound, Offecct is a world-leading supplier of solutions that absorb, reduce and block disruptive sound. Soundwave is a range of original designed panels, designed by world leading designers, each with its own story and shape. It’s more than acoustics, the designed panels become a piece of art placed on the wall.

Let the furnishings be green!

Good air is equally important. Modern buildings are often so well insulated that air is unable to circulate properly, and as a result we become tired and lose concentration. One solution to this can be green plants, because they increase oxygen levels and absorb carbon dioxide and unhealthy particles. That is why Offecct has come up with products that are specially designed to make it easy to increase the integration of plants into workplaces and public spaces. As a result we feel better, achieve more and are more creative.

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