Mira Showers Offers Perfect Temperature at One Touch

Published by
Tess Ritchie
March 26, 2015

New digital display Mira shower mixers allow for a perfect shower, every time.

Mira Platinum Mixer Showers are designed to provide precise control over the showering process. The Mira digital shower mixer allows a user to have exact control over the temperature and water flow over each shower.

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A consistent temperature is key to a nice shower, and the Mira control ensures this – even if someone else showers or operates a tap elsewhere in the house. With a warm up mode, eco option, clock display and flipstream technology, which allows for four unique showerheads, the Mira Platinum Mixer Showers are sure to make for the ideal wash.


The showers are distributed by Thornthwaite Technologies
Visit www.mirashowers.com.au for showrooms and more information

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