ITOKI SINTA from Sebel

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November 21, 2008

Living communication – The shape of comfortable communication.

Designed by Eric Chan the soft lines of the ‘Sinta’ design provide a cool office atmosphere with a tranquil air. ‘Sinta’ movement is in tune with human motion helping to create a flexible mindset.

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People will gather in tranquil and relaxing places, and movement stimulates communication. ‘Sinta’ provides a new style of comfortable office communication.

The swinging motion of the ‘Sinta’ chair provides a cradle like feeling. Supporting the creation of ideas by providing a “swing-like” seating experience in addition to supporting the ergonomic posture. The table provides a variety of communication styles through its ‘pulling’, ‘turning’ and ‘interlocking’ movements.

The ‘Sinta’ range also features a storage cart and presentation screen.
An abundance of communication environments can be created combining ‘Sinta’ pieces.

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