Have Fun with Tretford

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July 8, 2010

Create / stimulate / educate - Tretford is playing a role in pushing the education boundaries & continues to inspire.

The fundamentals of school design have radically changed over the years.
Chalk and blackboards are out; cluster areas, complex IT and state of the art facilities are in.

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So too is carpet and Tretford has the edge with its superb colour palette and great performance.

Having been the dominant carpet in education for over 30 years in Ireland.

Tretford with its natural fibre construction, increases the sense of wellbeing for children. 

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Studies show that children have an empathy with carpet, which provides an overall perception of warmth and welcome by eliminating the institutional feel.

Colour is an essential part of the sensory rich environments designed to enhance a child’s learning process where colours can alter and improve emotion and behaviour.

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Tretford’s excellent acoustic properties effectively achieve reductions of 20-40dB in airborne and impact sound, working to improve concentration levels in students and providing a calmer atmosphere.

Gibbon Group