A Sparkling Edition

Published by
owen Lynch
July 1, 2013

Sophia Watson looks at how not all is as clear as it may seem when it comes to our water's quality and cleanliness.

Unrivalled in its delivery of quality and functionality, ZIP is now part of the Australian commercial and residential lifestyle.  In that lifestyle, we understand that drinking quality water is a crucial issue for our health. However, it is a fact that the water we drink is often not absolutely pure, but now there’s good news for lovers of clean water.

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ZIP industries heralds the Zip GlobalPlus Point2 micron filter system, and the ZIP HydroTap– a brilliant Australian innovation, now exported to more than 65 countries.

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Able to be adapted to the Zip HydroTap models– which deliver instant boiling water, and combinations of chilled water, sparkling water and ambient (room temperature) water, the Zip GlobalPlus Point2 micron filter system is arguably the most advanced small size filtration system available anywhere in the world.

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The secret to the amazingly clean, crystal clear water from the Zip HydroTap is the 0.2 micron filter (25 x finer and more effective than the 0.5 micron filters used by other filters).

The GlobalPlus Point2 micron system filters out impurities as small as 1/5000th of a millimetre: such as chlorine, rust, asbestos fibres and even nasty water borne cysts such as giardia and cryptosporidium.  Yet, the clever system does not remove the beneficial fluoride that helps prevent tooth decay.

