A Tale of Two Cities

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August 4, 2008

Two architecture students take out this year’s COLORBOND® steel Biennale Prize with designs for two very different cities.

Daniel Griffin (RMIT University) and Jade Myers (University of Queensland) will share the $8000 COLORBOND® steel Biennale Prize for designs that are worlds apart.

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The winning designs focus on two vastly different cities – Brisbane, Queensland, and Jenin in the West Bank. Jade Myers’ project looks at a redevelopment and redefinition of the Queensland capital, creating a distinct centre, while Daniel Griffin’s design for the Maternity Hospital and Epigenetic Research Facility in Jenin explores a melding of Western and Arabic architectures.

The winners beat 159 students from 16 Australian architecture schools. The 10 finalist designs will now form a travelling exhibition visiting architecture schools over the next 18 months.

The COLORBOND® steel Biennale Prize recognises outstanding design work and was open to students enrolled in Institute-recognised architecture courses in 2007.

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Above Image: Winning entry by Jade Myers

Hero Image: Winning entry by Daniel Griffin