Unlimited Symposium – IDL

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April 4, 2011

You are invited to look through the design lens at the forces driving the Asia Pacific – human, economic, climatic and strategic. What are the conditions that will shape creative practice, business and society for tomorrow? What is the role of design in responding to these forces?

Bringing together Unlimited’s international speakers, the Symposium will present a set of compelling viewpoints on how creative thinking can shape a positive future for the Asia Pacific region.

You are invited to look through the design lens at the forces driving the Asia Pacific – human, economic, climatic and strategic. What are the conditions that will shape creative practice, business and society for tomorrow? What is the role of design in responding to these forces?

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Bringing together Unlimited’s international speakers, the Symposium will present a set of compelling viewpoints on how creative thinking can shape a positive future for the Asia Pacific region.