The INDE.Awards Influencer: What Makes Them So Influential?

Hotel Mono by Spacedge Designs

Published by
Sophia Watson
June 29, 2017

Say Hello to your Shortlist for The Influencer 2017 – a collection of our industry’s most exceptional people, products, projects and ideas. But what is it exactly that makes them so influential?

It’s not secret that our design region is pretty bloody awesome. Unlike our European counterparts, we are unburdened by hundreds of years of strict design tradition and are therefore able to forge our own original path.

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This of course means that we can be exceptionally responsive to the challenges of the workplace, social initiatives, education, sustainability, hospitality and many more… And here, we as a region are in a unique position to be able to directly influence these areas for the better.

This is our role. This is what we excel at. And this is why The Influencer award is such an important one. The Influencer is the only category in which products, people, ideas and projects are all nominated – because they all have the capacity to influence change and improve the world around us.

To this end, our local and international judging panel has handpicked the best of the best in this area, asking: “How does design change the world for the better?” The nominated few in this shortlist represent the people, products, projects and ideas that impact the region (and the world at large) positively. The Influencer demonstrates what progressive design can do to improve the world.

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Though only one will take this years title along with a bespoke trophy by the always-inspiring Dinosaur Designs, every one of these shortlisted entries deserves to be commended for their efforts in influential design.


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Sponsored by socially conscious textile house Interface, we present your 2017 INDE.Awards shortlist for The Influencer…


Central Seat & Drinking Fountain, Steendijk for Embassy Living

88 Angel Street, Steele Associates

Living Shelter, WY-TO

SJB Melbourne Studio, SJB

St Stephens Junior School, CODA Studio

Noma Australia, Foolscap Studio

Hotel Mono, Spacedge Designs

Siren Design Group, Siren Design Group


Can’t make it to Friday night’s Gala? Stay tuned for live results on the 30th of June from 8pm.