Good design should be measured by how much it influences

Queensland's Gurner Flatiron Building saved 92 sqm with Geberit's design solutions

Published by
David Congram
May 29, 2018

Even within today’s ever-evolving, rapidly changing design industry, there are individuals, products, and companies that set themselves apart as clear frontrunners.

Everyone knows that imitation is the greatest form of flattery. Particularly in the post-modern age, pastiche and adaptation are rightfully accepted as valid forms of homage – of honouring the work of your predecessors by taking it and making it your own. In spite of this, the most interesting creatives remain those who work at the forefront of their fields, devising original content that influences their peers and is eventually filtered throughout their discipline via emulation and mutation.

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In every field, progress can be measured on a curve. Generally speaking, progress in design – be it architecture, interiors, or industrial – follows a clear trajectory that is set by a select, forward-thinking few. At the head of every curve is someone who sets the pace, determining the contours of the curve and the exact pathway it will take. In short: preceding every design movement is an entity whose actions – conscious or subconscious – influence the actions of their peers.


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Often, the influencer doesn’t even set out to change the world. Sometimes, they are simply driven by a genuine desire to solve problems through outstanding design, and serve as an inspiration to others by virtue of the sheer brilliance and creativity of their work. In any case, the influencer leaves an indelible mark on their surroundings and causes waves that ripple far beyond their immediate environments. Within the design industry, to be an influencer is to spark a wave of products that grapple with similar concepts or features in new and different ways, and to shed light on a type or area of design previously given little consideration.


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Thanks to decades at the vanguard of plumbing and water management systems, Geberit is well positioned to comment on what makes a true influencer within the design discipline. Around the world, Geberit products have long represented the gold standard in plumbing design and inspired competitors to strive toward enhanced levels of performance, style, and innovation.


The company is an influencer in the truest sense, having been the originator of a number of major plumbing trends including the concealed cistern and branch inlet system for stacked drainage systems. With the support from leading brands such as Geberit, this industry is empowered to be exceptionally responsive to the challenges of the workplace, social initiatives, education, sustainability, hospitality and many more… And here, we as a region are in a unique position to be able to directly influence these areas for the better.


This is our role. This is what we excel at. And this is why The Influencer award is such an important one. The Influencer is the only category in the INDE.Awards programme in which products, people, ideas and projects are all nominated – because they all have the capacity to influence change and improve the world around us. To this end, our local and international judging panel has handpicked the best of the best in this area, asking: “How does design change the world for the better?”


The nominated few in this shortlist represent the people, products, projects and ideas that impact the region (and the world at large) positively. The Influencer demonstrates what progressive design can do to improve the world. As such, Geberit  is the perfect partner for The Influencer category at this year’s INDE.Awards. Celebrating concepts, individuals, products, or projects that speak to the transformative power of design and set new benchmarks within their field, The Influencer Category honours fearless innovation that steps off the beaten track.


Join Geberit as they celebrate our region’s top design talent at the INDE.Awards 2018. Winners announced soon!