Innovation through collaboration: ‘A Beautiful Collision’ panel breaks industry boundaries

Published by
Juliet Taylor
November 21, 2022

Zenith Auckland hosts a lively discourse about the intersection of art, architecture and workplace design to celebrate their exciting new alliance with Artfull

Zenith have long been celebrators of the modern workspace as a launching pad for community and creative relations. Their recent collaborative panel, ‘A Beautiful Collision,’ explored the intersection of separate yet inherently entwined disciplines with the goal of creating inspiring and enriching spaces. The panel discussion spoke about the subtle creative influences that shape commercial environments, considering the importance of form and purpose when engineering productive atmospheres.

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The panel included respected professionals from a diverse range of disciplines. Representing Artfull, the innovative digital platform connecting artists with collectors, was co-founder and director Jessica Agoston Cleary. Zenith’s own brand director Matthew Vescovo lent his commercial experience to the panel, as did senior associate interior designer Keri Cunliffe of Warren & Mahoney, and associate-senior interior designer Anna Manson of Jasmax. Championing the artistic facet of discussion was contemporary Aotearoa artist Paul Nathan, also known as Bonco.

Viewers were also invited to participate in the contemplation of intersectional design themselves. Guests in the space found themselves surrounded with diverse works composed by local Aotearoa artists. These pieces explored material, form and function across mediums, challenging viewers to reimagine what defines art in the context of sustainability and human impact.  Other pieces took a more introspective look at humanity itself, questioning the deep relational structures that exist between people, place and presence.

As curators of the modern workspace, Zenith are committed to the search for innovative ideas and solutions which will refine stimulating environments. Learn more about their ground-breaking projects.

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